If you're anything like me, you love the stylings of a well written Young Adult novel. And if you're anything like me, the continuous monotony of novels trying to meet either the 'tragic realistic fiction love story' criteria of A Fault In Our Stars or reach the same blockbuster success of The Hunger Games by going the exact same dystopian route: overly complicated rituals involving children, has become a thorn in your side and you don't even bother heading into the teen section of your local bookstore. I haven't turned down that aisle at Barnes and Noble since Twilight came out and I realized every cover was black or dark blue and had something to do with the supernatural. Since The Hunger Games, its the same schtick of trying to match the newest popular novel and hoping to get a decent return on a movie deal. It's mind numbing, and reading the same stories can get old especially when the stories that could be told are so much better than the romance forced down preteen girls' throats.